A Child of Slavery and a Child of Promise August 31, 2014 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Gen. 15:1-18:15 | Daniel Mollenkopf
All Families of the Earth will be Blessed August 24, 2014 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Gen. 11:27-14:24 | Daniel Mollenkopf
A Covenant, A Curse, and A Conquest August 3, 2014 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Gen. 8:20-10:32 | Daniel Mollenkopf
The flood: Judgment and Grace July 27, 2014 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Gen. 6:1-8:19 | Daniel Mollenkopf
The Curse of Sin and the Promise of Salvation July 6, 2014 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-24 | Daniel Mollenkopf
God Provides All Good Things June 15, 2014 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Genesis 2:4-25 | Daniel Mollenkopf