Not all that Wander are Lost May 10, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 5:19-20 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
A Life of Prayer and Praise May 3, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 5:13-18 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
Suffering and Patience April 12, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 5:7-11 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
You Say What You Think March 15, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 4:11-17 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
What causes Quarrels? March 8, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 4.1-10 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
Wisdom of God vs. Wisdom of Self March 1, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 3:13-18 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
The Tongue of Terror February 15, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 3:1-12 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James
What Good is Your Faith? February 8, 2015 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Ja. 2:14-26 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: James