A House of Prayer for the Nations June 23, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 11:12-19 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord! June 16, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 11:1-11 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
The Merciful Son of David June 9, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 10:46-52 | Tommy Hard Series: Mark
Greatest of All, Servant of All June 2, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 10:32-45 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
The Woe of Wealth May 26, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 10:17-31 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage May 5, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 10:1-12 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
Crawl into Heaven or Walk into Hell April 28, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 9:42-49 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
The Least is Greatest in the Kingdom April 14, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 9:30-41 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
Jesus Must Suffer, Die, and Rise Again March 17, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 8:31-9:1 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark
Jesus is the Christ March 10, 2019 (Sunday AM) Bible Text: Mark 8:27-30 | Daniel Mollenkopf Series: Mark